Consumption Data – FR

Since 2018, France’s main Distribution System Operator (DSO) Enedis runs, maintains and operates a data hub, supporting eligible parties and customers with structured data access. Enedis are featuring a portal and a REST-based API utilizing OAuth authentication and authorisation. Authorization to share data is given on an application basis, meaning that consumers do not give their consent use-case by use case, but they rather unlock their data based on catalogues. Eligible parties create “applications” during an onboarding process and can then request access to the following data:

  • Contractual Data (Données contractuelles)
  • Identity (Identité)
  • Daily Production (Production quotidienne)
  • Daily Maximum Consumption (Puissance maximum de consommation quotidienne)
  • Half-hourly Consumption (Consommation par demi-heure)
  • Address data (Adresse)
  • Daily Consumption (Consommation quotidienne)
  • Contact Information (Données de contact)
  • Half-hourly Production (Production par demi-heure)

Basically, an application redirects the user to an Enedis page requesting the list of needed privilieges. Once the user accepts the privileges, the user is redirected back to a website of the eligible party’s choice.

General information

If you simply want to download your meter data, you can do this via logging in with your customer account at Enedis’s portal. Metering market is covered by Enedis for the whole of France. Therefore, data-access infrastructures list quite simply:

image from Frankreich – Wikipedia
Name: Enedis
Data-sharing infrastructure:
Metering grid area: Whole of France
Data-Sharing Situation in France

Onboarding as an Eligible Party

Onboarding at Enedis Data Hub is quite easy. You simply create an account on and hit button Connexion.

Enedis Data Hub starting page

Next, enter the email address for your account, and hit the “I am no Robot” checkbox. Then click SUIVANT.

Registration page on Enedis data hub.

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